After running a "Billing Report" in PME web applications reports, a warning is outputted on the report: "Data Integrity Check: 'REAL_ENERGY' (Topic ID: 1601)." The values and rates for Real Energy (kWh) will be blank.
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PME Web Applications
SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
A "rates file" is used for the billing report in the PME web application, and can be selected in the report inputs --> "Rates" dropdown combo box. The default rates files contain the topic description "REAL_ENERGY" and an associated TopicID "1601". If you can verify that real energy is logging, but this warning appears, the logged energy measurement is associated with a different topic description and TopicID than the default.
Every logged quantity in the PME SQL databases has a QuantityID. Depending on the meter configuration, the value/formula that is used for Real Energy may have varying QuantityIDs. A list is found in this article The IDs are 135, 198, 129, 130, 134, 144. If you are aware of the QuantityID, skip to step 4. If not, follow the steps below:
1. In SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), execute this query to find the a list of sources for your PME system. (If you have greater than 1000 meters connected to PME, change "1000" to the amount of connected meters.) Replace "[yourMeterGroupName.yourMeterName]" with the name of the meter as it appears in the Management Console.
SELECT TOP (1000) [ID] ,[Name] ,[NamespaceID] ,[SourceTypeID] ,[TimeZoneID] ,[Description] ,[Signature] ,[DisplayName] FROM [ION_Data].[dbo].[Source] where DisplayName = [yourMeterGroupName.yourMeterName]
In the SQL Results windows, locate the meter name and make note of it's associated ID in the ID column. This is the SourceID.
2. Use the below query to find the QuantityID(s) the meter is logging Real Energy under. Replace "[yourSourceID]" with the source ID found in the previous step. The SQL results will show the most recent data that the meter logged. Locate a value that is closest to the expected Real Energy you would like to use, and keep note of the QuantityID that it is associated with.
SELECT TOP (1000) [ID] ,[Value] ,[SourceID] ,[QuantityID] ,[TimestampUTC] FROM [ION_Data].[dbo].[DataLog2] where SourceID = [yourSourceID] AND QuantityID IN (135, 198, 129, 130, 140, 124, 144) order by TimestampUTC desc
2. Now, use this query to find the TopicDescription and TopicID that is mapped to the QuantityID in the previous step.
SELECT t.TopicID, q.ID AS QuantityID, t.Description as TopicDescription, q.Name as QuantityName, dst.Description as DataSourceTopicDescription FROM ApplicationModules.CommonDataModel.Topic t JOIN ApplicationModules.DataSourceBus.DataSourceTopic dst ON t.topicID = dst.TopicID JOIN ION_Data.dbo.Quantity q ON dst.DataSourceRepresentation = WHERE q.ID IN (135, 198, 129, 130, 140, 124, 144) ORDER BY q.ID;
In the results window, locate the QuantityID that the device's Real Energy is mapped to. Make note of the "TopicDescription", and "TopicID."
4. *Warning: Take backups of any files prior to modifying them. Ensure the backups are in a location that will not be overwritten (i.e. the Desktop)*
- In the PME web application Billing Report, select the rates file
- File options will appear in location C:\[PME Installation Folder]\config\reports\billing report\ratelibrary. Find the file that is being used in the Billing cost report
- Make a copy of the file to edit (see the warning above)
- Open the file in a text editor. Use ctrl+F to find the locations in the file where "REAL_ENERGY" is specified
- Replace REAL_ENERGY with the correct TopicDescription
- Add a new entry into the measurement map section of the file, and ensure the syntax is as appears below. If there is no measurement map, copy and paste the below between the WagesConfiguration. In this example, the new measurement added is "ACTIVE_ENERGY_TOTAL" and the new TopicID is "3400461."
<WAGESConfiguration> <MeasurementMap> <!-- The Measurement field represents the Measurement alias. This alias can then be used in any setting that requires a 'Measurement' to represent the corresponding Topic information --> <Measurement>CURRENT_MEAN</Measurement> <!-- The TopicId field represents the PME Topic Id that this corresponding Measurement alias will 'map' too. --> <TopicId>3400461</TopicId> <Measurement>ACTIVE_ENERGY_TOTAL</Measurement> <!-- The TopicId field represents the PME Topic Id that this corresponding Measurement alias will 'map' too. --> <TopicId>3400461</TopicId> </MeasurementMap> </WAGESConfiguration> </RateFileConfiguration>