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Imagen de Saved and avoided emissions by Schneider Electric offers

Saved and avoided emissions by Schneider Electric offers

Climate is increasingly embedded in companies’ strategies. Economic actors are committing to reduce their carbon emissions and set science-based targets compatible with a global warming of 1.5 or 2°C, striving to reduce risks and capture new opportunities associated with the energy and climate transition. Standardized definitions and quantification methodologies are essential to assess climate impact and build trust, on corporate, customers and investors side. Various initiatives exist, yet no standardized methodology exists today. That is why the objective of this guide is to share and promote an innovative CO2e impact methodology, that enables to quantify saved and avoided emissions by offers in use. This methodology ambitions to become a shared industry standard within the consumer durables and capital goods sectors.

Fecha: 16 sep 2022 | Tipo: Promocional
Idiomas: Inglés | Versión: 2.0
Referencia del documento: CO2_methodology_guide


Nombre del archivo
998-22270926_AU-GB_Impact CO2 Methodology_A4 Brochure_FINAL.pdf

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