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How Modern DCIM Addresses CIO Management Challenges within Distributed, Hybrid IT Environments

The role of today’s CIO is expanding and becoming more challenging. The days of managing a single enterprise data center are over. Business requirements are forcing CIOs to hybridize their data center and IT portfolio architecture by placing IT capacity in colocation facilities and building out capacity at the local edge – sometimes in a big way. In addition to managing and maintaining resilient and secure operations at all these sites, they are now being asked to report on the sustainability of their IT operations. Software management tools need to evolve in order for CIOs to do their jobs effectively. Through examples, the paper explains how modern DCIM platforms are a critical tool for making hybrid enterprise IT more resilient, secure, and sustainable.

Datum: 07 Oktober 2022 | Typ: Whitepaper
Sprachen: Englisch | Version: V3
Bestellnummer: SPD_WP281_EN



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