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Why is HP Systems Insight Manager not receiving SNMP traps?

Why is HP Systems Insight Manager not receiving SNMP traps?
Product Line
  • Network Management Card 1 - AP9617, AP9618, AP9619
Devices with an embedded Network Management Card 1 include (but are not limited to): Metered/Switched Rack PDUs (AP78XX, AP79XX), Rack Automatic Transfer Switches (AP77XX, Environmental Monitoring Units (AP9320, AP9340, Netbotz 200)
  • Network Management Card 2 - AP9630/AP9630CH, AP9631/AP9631CH, AP9635/35CH
Devices with an embedded Network Management Card 2 include (but are not limited to): 2G Metered/Switched Rack PDUs (AP86XX, AP88XX, AP89XX), Certain Audio/Video Network Management Enabled products.

  • All SNMP enabled UPSs, by way of Network Management Card
  • HP Systems Insight Manager users


HP Systems Insight Manager (HP SIM) is an infrastructure management platform designed for monitoring hardware and optimizing power consumption of HP systems. HP SIM also has the ability to monitor non-HP devices, including APC SNMP enabled UPSs.
With proper Event Handling configuration and Management Information Base (MIB) registration, HP SIM is able to receive and display SNMP traps sent from APC Network Management Cards (NMC) for real-time detection and monitoring.

The PowerNet MIB specific to APC UPSs comes pre-compiled with HP SIM and can be found in the “mibs” folder, in .mib and .cfg file formats. The configuration file must be registered on the HP SIM database by running mxmib –a powernet.cfg via command prompt from $\Systems Insight Manager\mibs. If a different MIB is desired, or a specific version of PowerNet is required, the .mib file must first be placed in “mibs” folder and configured using mcompile (syntax: mcompile ). When registered correctly, powernet.mib will appear in the HP SIM web interface (Options > Events > SNMP Trap Settings).

Once the MIB is registered, HP SIM needs to be configured to detect the SNMP traps. When creating a new discovery event, enter the NMC IP being tested. Under “Configure/Repair” all SNMP configurations must be enabled, with community string set to “public.” Selecting the newly created discovery event and clicking “Run Now” will ping the IPs entered and analyze if HP SIM can detect them as SNMP capable. When viewing task results, all NMC IPs should be void of critical failures.

Finally, HP SIM must be configured to accept SNMP traps from discovered systems. Under “Event Filter Settings,” make sure all IP ranges desired are being accepted ( * indicates acceptance from any IP). SNMP traps defined in the PowerNet MIB should now be detected. To detect SNMP traps sent from the NMC that are not pre-defined (such as SNMP trap tests), make sure “Accept Unregistered Events” is enabled.

If HP SIM is not detecting the SNMP traps, it is because SIM has not been added to the NMC trap receiver list. Enter the IP on which HP SIM is running, with trap generation and authentication enabled, and community name set to “public.” Trap tests will show up as “Generic Unregistered” events."

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