Issue: After connecting Easy UPS On-Line (SRV) to Windows OS using USB cable, Easy UPS Monitoring software does not discover the UPS.
Product Line: Easy UPS On-Line
All supported Windows OS
Easy UPS On-Line (SRV)
For the Easy UPS On-Line to be discovered and be able to communicate with Easy UPS monitoring software, USB to Serial driver must be installed prior to installing the software.
Download and install the driver attached to the FAQ. "Install_srv_driver"
Steps to Install the USB to Serial driver:
A Powershell script is provided to ease the process of installation.
- PowerShell version 3.0 or later installed on your system.
- .NET Framework version 4.5.0 or later installed on your system.
If your system does not meet the above requirements, then the script will be unsuccessful. In this case you can try a manual installation of the drivers.
How to run the script
- Open an Administrator Command Prompt (In the Windows Start Menu, search for 'Command Prompt', right-click the 'Command Prompt' application, and select 'Run as administrator' from the context menu).
- Change directory to the temporary folder where you unzipped the driver installation script.
- Enter install_srv_driver
This executes the install_srv_driver.ps1 PowerShell script. The script reports the actions performed and the outcome: successful or unsuccessful.
Manual Installation (to be used if installation via script is unsuccessful)
- Extract and CH343SER.ZIP from
- Extract into a temporary folder.
- Open extracted 'V2.6.0.0 Drivers\x64' folder in File Explorer.
- Right-click xrusbser.inf file and select 'Install' from the context menu.
- After the above installation is complete, extract CH34SERZIP into a temporary folder.
- Open extracted 'CH343SER\Driver' folder and double click SETUP.EXE to install the driver & complete
Note: This option is only recommended for customers who are using Easy UPS Monitoring Software in mixed environments (e.g. Monitoring SRV UPS with SNMP cards and SRV units connected to the Easy UPS monitoring software with USB at the same time).
For Easy UPS monitoring softwares monitoring/managing only 1 UPS via USB, it is best to use PowerChute Serial Shutdown instead. Please refer to FAQ000223363 for additional information regarding this.
Publié pour:Schneider Electric Algeria