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Time for Climate Impact Disclosure

Companies that embrace the climate transition appear more likely to succeed in the long-term. It is therefore critical for companies to disclose transparently on their end-to-end CO2 impact, looking at their supply chain, operations and use of products sold. Three documents are available:- A white paper describing the compelling need for climate impact disclosure, with an overview of key features of the methodology. This methodology aims at becoming an industry standard applicable across capital goods and consumer durable sectors, looking at both induced and saved emissions of offers over their lifetime.- A detailed methodology guide, that provides full transparency on calculation rules per offer range.- An assurance certificate by an independent 3rd party, EY, on the robustness of the methodology and relevance regarding existing CO2 standards

التاريخ: 19 يون 2019 | النوع: المستند التقني
اللغات: الإنجليزية | الإصدار: 1.0
مرجع المستند: co2_emission_guide


اسم الملف
2019 Schneider Electric - Independent report Saved and Avoided Emissions - English + French.pdf
CO2 white paper.pdf
Methodology on saved and avoided CO2 emissions.pdf

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