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Web de Schneider Electric España

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ION8650 Switchboard Meter Dimensions

Clarify the dimension of ION 8650 meter switchboard (285 x 228 x 163) on page-4 under mechanical characteristics of ION8650 datasheet. The (285 x 228 x 163) dimensions are not mentioned on page-8 of ION8650 datasheet.

Product Line
ION8650 Switchboard

Mechanical Dimensions

The datasheet showing the meter dimensions is misleading

The correct dimensions are like those in the mechanical drawing: 226 mm high x 147 mm wide x 189 mm deep. The required cut-out will be, as on page 3, 149 mm wide x 230 mm tall.

Note: the mounting bolts are size 10-32.

Schneider Electric España

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