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How to start and stop the PowerChute Agent service

How to start and stop the PowerChute Agent service

PowerChute Business Edition v9.5 and higher
PowerChute Serial Shutdown v1.x


All supported operating systems


Follow the steps detailed below to start and stop the Agent service.


Navigate to Windows Services under Administrative Tools in the Control Panel and locate the PowerChute Business Edition Agent service (APC PBE Agent), PowerChute Serial Shutdown Agent service (PowerChute Serial Shutdown)

For PowerChute Business Edition
To manually start the Agent, right-click on APC PBE Agent and select Start.
To manually stop the Agent, right-click on APC PBE Agent and select Stop.

For PowerChute Serial Shutdown
To manually start the Agent, right-click on PowerChute Serial Shutdown and select Start.
To manually stop the Agent, right-click on PowerChute Serial Shutdown and select Stop.

Using Command Prompt open Command Prompt as an administrator
net start apcpbeagent (to start the service)
net stop apcpbeagent (to stop the service)


To manually start or stop the PowerChute Business Edition or PowerChute Serial Shutdown service, enter the following command in a command/terminal window.

NOTE: You must have administrator privileges to execute these commands.

/etc/init.d/PBEAgent start (to start the service)
/etc/init.d/PBEAgent stop (to stop the service)

service pbeagent start (to start the service)
service pbeagent stop (to stop the service)


systemctl start PBEAgent.service (to start the service)
systemctl stop PBEAgent.service (to stop the service)

Schneider Electric España

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