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Tervetuloa Schneider Electricin verkkosivustolle

Tervetuloa sivustollemme.

Schneider Electricin uutuustuotteet tuovat etähallintaan ja seurantaan tehokkuutta ja turvallisuutta

  • Schneider Electric on tuonut markkinoille uutuustuotteita, jotka parantavat datakeskusten ja pienempien paikallisten konesalien käyttöönottoon liittyvän etähallinnan ja seurannan tehokkuutta, turvallisuutta ja luotettavaa toimintaa.
  • UPS Battery Health Assessment -ohjelma auttaa ennakoimaan akun kestoa. Ennustettavuutta on parannettu tekoälyn avulla.
  • Switched Rack Power Distribution Unit auttaa säilyttämään energianjakelun haastavissakin olosuhteissa.
  • EcoStruxure IT on Schneiderin uuden sukupolven hallintaratkaisu datakeskuksille. Ratkaisua voi käyttää etänä milloin tahansa paikasta riippumatta.
  • Lue lisää uutuustuotteista alla olevasta englanninkielisestä tiedotteesta.


Schneider Electric Advances Management of Hybrid IT Infrastructure with New EcoStruxure IT Innovation


  • New solutions and software enhancements make remote operations more secure, efficient, and reliable
  • EcoStruxure™ IT Expert’s UPS Battery Health Assessment predictive capability represents an industry breakthrough
  • Intelligent Switched Rack PDU can sustain higher temperatures for improved reliability

Schneider Electric, the leader in digital transformation of energy management and automation, announced today it is advancing the remote management and monitoring of data centers and edge computing deployments with a trifecta of innovations for more efficient and secure operations. 

Schneider Electric has enhanced its management platform EcoStruxure™ IT Expert with AI-supported UPS battery health assessment, an industry breakthrough of predictive capability. In addition, to make remote management and monitoring even more accessible to all customers, Schneider Electric is announcing its APC by Schneider Electric Smart-UPS is now available with a pre-installed Network Management Card 3 (NMC3) for advanced cybersecurity. 

Due to the increased need for remote management in distributed edge computing or hyper-converged IT environments, Schneider Electric is also announcing the NetShelter 9000 Series Switched Rack Power Distribution Unit (PDU), which offers increased remote management reliability in a wider temperature range. Schneider Electric’s three latest introductions make remote monitoring and management more robust and secure for IT operators across the globe.

“Schneider Electric has always been on the forefront of innovation and since launching our EcoStruxure IT platform, we’ve been simplifying remote operations in the cloud and at the edge,” said Jonathan Healey, VP and General Manager, Software and Management Systems, Schneider Electric. “With these enhancements, we are driving forward the latest technology to help data center and IT customers be more predictive and provide business continuity from anywhere, anytime.”

EcoStruxure IT is Schneider Electric’s next generation data center management solution featuring remote management from virtually any device – phone, tablet, or home PC – at any time. It enables data centers to maintain operations and availability when minimal or no qualified staff are available on-site.

Schneider Electric’s UPS battery health assessment enables predictive capability 

Customers couldn’t know exactly when their UPS battery would fail – until now. EcoStruxure IT Expert UPS battery health assessment provides insight into the UPS with a score card that predicts the end of life for batteries based on the specific conditions of that UPS. This breakthrough into predictive capability also generates recommended actions to improve the health score and the lifetime of the batteries, enabling OpEx savings and avoiding unplanned downtime.

When deriving insights from data, simply pouring data into an AI system doesn’t yield results because it is essential to clarify what data to analyze to solve specific problems. What makes EcoStruxure IT Expert UPS battery health assessment’s predictive capability and recommended actions possible is Schneider Electric’s data lake, which collects data from millions of connected devices. With Schneider Electric’s expertise, the data is normalized and leveraged to uncover valuable, actionable insights.

APC Smart-UPS now with Enhanced Cybersecurity

All APC Smart-UPS™ are EcoStruxure-Ready enabling customers to remotely monitor and manage their physical IT infrastructure at anytime and from anywhere. The latest APC Smart-UPS SMX, which will be available first in North America, can be ordered with the new NMC3 enhancement pre-installed, which provides advanced cybersecurity and improved performance featuring a new processor with a 1GB ethernet connection. Advanced security features like increased password security with stricter credentials and force password policy configurations keep sensitive data secure.


Turn Outlets On and Off Remotely with Switch Rack PDUs

The NetShelter 9000 Series Switched PDU is a new, globally-available product designed with edge computing and cloud and service providers in mind.This intelligent rack PDU, featuring NMC3 and industry-first hybrid outlets rated for higher temperatures, enables customers to maintain power while they are operating in environments challenged with higher power densities, temperatures, and additional connected devices. The new PDUs are EcoStruxure-Ready, boast one percent metering accuracy, wireless connectivity, and are able to remotely turn outlets on/off and reboot hung up servers across several devices and multiple sites via EcoStruxure IT Expert, ultimately saving on travel to site or staffing on site to perform the same task.

Learn More About Simplifying Management and Monitoring of Data Centers

Schneider Electric’s EcoStruxure enables all of these innovations, which are collectively advancing the remote management and monitoring of data centers. EcoStruxure IT Expert is sold through partners and local distributors. For a limited time, customers can try the software and the UPS battery health assessment for free for 30-day by creating an EcoStruxure IT account on www.ecostruxureit.com.


About EcoStruxure

EcoStruxure™ is our open, interoperable, IoT-enabled system architecture and platform. EcoStruxure delivers enhanced value around safety, reliability, efficiency, sustainability, and connectivity for our customers. EcoStruxure leverages advancements in IoT, mobility, sensing, cloud, analytics, and cybersecurity to deliver Innovation at Every Level. This includes Connected Products, Edge Control, and Apps, Analytics & Services which are supported by Customer Lifecycle Software. EcoStruxure™ has been deployed in almost 500,000 sites with the support of 20,000+ developers, 650,000 service providers and partners, 3,000 utilities and connects over 2 million assets under management.

From energy and sustainability consulting to optimizing the life cycle of your operational systems, we have world-wide services to meet your business needs. As a customer-centric organization, Schneider Electric is your trusted advisor to help increase asset reliability, improve total cost of ownership and drive your enterprise’s digital transformation towards sustainability, efficiency and safety.

Wiztopicin blokkitekniikkaan perustuvan tarkistusalustan käyttöönotto

Schneider Electric tarkistaa sisältönsä Wiztrust-ohjelmistolla 2. lokakuuta 2019 lähtien, mikä takaa viestinnän suojauksen. Voit tarkistaa yritysviestinnän aitouden verkkosivustolla Wiztrust.com.
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