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FAQ Pencarian
ATV71 - ATV61 Soft charge time and inrush current.

Goals and Symptoms

- 1) Soft charge time.
- 2) Inrush current of ATV61 on power up.
- 3) Does a DC choke help limit inrush?

Causes and Fixes

- 1) The soft charge time is 1 sec maximum. It's the time to start the switching mode power supply (SMPS), and load the capacitors.
- 2) The inrush current is available for the drive up to 18,5Kw (find attached the values). Above there are no inrush current because it's a technology with thyristor so it starts like a soft starter.
- 3) Yes the DC choke limit the inrush current, in fact it decreases the dv/dt.

Legacy KB System (APS) Data: RESL181726 V1.0, Originally authored by on , Last Edited by FrCa on 01/24/2007
Related ranges: Altivar 61

Schneider Electric Indonesia

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