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FAQ Pencarian
What is the Citect SCADA Time Scheduler Add On?

The Citect Time Scheduler is a calendar-based programming tool that allows you to manipulate tag values within a Citect project. It can be used to create a sequence of automatically executed commands, delivering a valuable
scheduling tool for applications such as building automation.

For example, the Time Scheduler can be used to manage the lighting and heating in a building, providing benefits such as automated services and minimized peak energy costs. As well as simple on/off commands, multi-state and multiple tag variations can be configured.

Sequences can be configured in chronological patterns, such as a regular weekly or daily schedules, with special conditions such public holidays easily accommodated.

Schedules can also be modified online during Citect runtime, and commands can also be executed manually by an operator.

Please read the attached instruction manual for installation and setup procedures.

Citect Time Scheduler Help.pdf

Legacy KB System (APS) Data: RESL204546 V1.0, Originally authored by AnVa on 02/11/2011, Last Edited by AnVa on 02/11/2011
Related ranges: PowerLogic SCADA 7.1

Schneider Electric Indonesia