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Is there a Magelis HMI series that is rated for outdoors?

Article available in these languages: Spanyol

Looking for an HMI that is rated for outdoors?

Product Line:
Magelis HMIGTUx series

The Magelis HMIGTUx series (HMIG3x with HMIDT35x, HMIDT65x, HMIDT75x) is rated for outdoor use. The screen is rated at 1000 cd/m2 and is suitable for bright outdoor applications. The range of temperatures that the units can be used in are as follows:

HMIDT35x: -30...65 °C (-22...149 °F)
HMIDT65x: -30...70 °C (-22...158 °F)
HMIDT75x: -20...60 °C (-4...140 °F)

The HMIGTUx series is supported by Vijeo Designer V6.2 SP8

Schneider Electric Indonesia

SEI_HMIGTUX_E.pdf [3.16 MB]
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