How to add a connected access point:
1. In the tree view, select either the SCL root element, of the Communication section, or a Subnet element.
2. In the menu bar or in the contextual menu, click Add > Connected Access Point.
3. Set the IED identification and Address parameters according to the settings you need.
4. Click OK to validate the operation
How to modify a connected access point:
1. Select a Connected Access Point in the tree view.
2. In the property view, select an attribute and click Modify in the contextual menu. A dialog box opens, displaying a table with the attribute and their values.
3. Click the Attribute Value column fields to modify them.
4. Click OK to validate the operation.
How to Remove a connected access point:
1.Select in the tree view the connected access point you want to remove.
2. In the menu bar or in the contextual menu, click Edit > Delete or press the DEL key.
a. The connected access point is removed from its sub-network. If there are no other connected access points, the subnet is automatically removed from the SCL configuration.
b. The undo function can be used to go back to the previous state.