In electric motors, watts and HP can be compared. To obtain equivalent HP, multiply the kW Rating by 1.341.
So a 3 kW motor correspond to 4HP
But Horsepower size and ratings of motors have been standardized by NEMA.
In catalog, the column “motor” show power indicate on motor nameplate. The HP value is based on NEMA motor ratings for 4-pole motors (1800 rpm).
And in Nema size, the 4HP motor does not exist.
Hence, Drive Rating 3HP = 3KW are given in Nameplate.
So a 3 kW motor correspond to 4HP
But Horsepower size and ratings of motors have been standardized by NEMA.
In catalog, the column “motor” show power indicate on motor nameplate. The HP value is based on NEMA motor ratings for 4-pole motors (1800 rpm).
And in Nema size, the 4HP motor does not exist.
Hence, Drive Rating 3HP = 3KW are given in Nameplate.