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Network Management Card - Single Phase Symmetra SNMP Trap #77 details


Network Management Card - Single Phase Symmetra SNMP Trap #77 details

Product Line

  • UPS Network Management Card 1 - AP9617, AP9618, AP9619
  • UPS Network Management Card 2 - AP9630/AP9630CH, AP9631/AP9631CH

  • All serial numbers
  • All firmware versions
  • SNMPv1 or v3 traps


SNMP trap # 77 (abnormalCondition) is reserved for specific UPS failures. When trap #77 is sent, it also has a binded subtrap which gives further detail into the nature of the fault. The subtraps are specific to the UPS family type.


Attached is a breakdown for the Symmetra single phase line of UPS (Symmetra RM, Symmetra LX, Symmetra Power Array), which uses the Network Management Card APP called 'sy'.

Schneider Electric Mexico

Documentos adjuntos
trap77 subtraps (SY).xls [17.5 KB]
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