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PowerChute Network Shutdown versions 4.2 and 4.3 compatibility with IBM AIX installed on LPAR
How to configure PowerChute Network Shutdown version 4.2 and 4.3 on IBM AIX which is set up on LPAR.

Product Line:
PowerChute Network Shutdown version 4.2 and 4.3 (PCNS)

NOTE: PowerChute Network Shutdown prior to version 4.2 are not compatible with IBM AIX 7.2 on LPAR and support for IBM AIX 7.2 on LPAR ended with the release of PowerChute Network Shutdown version 4.4.

IBM AIX 7.2 on LPAR.

Installation and Setup

  1. Enable Power off the Hypervisor automatically after all LPAR are shut down
  2. Install PCNS on each LPAR
  3. Select Do not turn off the UPS
  4. Configure load shedding on the NMC for all Outlet Groups (including Main Outlet Group)
  5. To configure load shedding go to Configuration - Outlet Groups - Select each outlet group and select Load Shedding. The options are Turn off Outlet Group when: power failure last longer than or UPS runtime is less than. See NMC help files for description.
If the Smart-UPS is NOT a SMT, SMX, SRT
  1. Enable Power off the Hypervisor automatically after all LPAR are shut down
  2. Install PCNS on each LPAR
  3. Select Do not turn off the UPS
  4. Configure "Controlled Early Shutdown" in NMC
  5. To configure Controlled Early Shutdown go to Configuration - Shutdown - select option "time on battery lasts longer than" under Controlled Early Shutdown. See NMC help files for description.

Schneider Electric Mexico

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