The Preventive Maintenance Service provides a thorough examination of your system to help ensure continued optimal performance. Please refer to the operational and maintenance manual for specific details on the scope. Please refer to the “Operational and Maintenance Manual” of the specific unit, for specific details on the scope of each maintenance. According to each Preventive Maintenance Service plan, Schneider Electric performs: Annual Maintenance Service 1 visit per year according to the specific unit “Operation and Maintenance Manual” – “Annual Preventive Maintenance”. Semi-Annual Maintenance Service 2 visits per year with the following specifications: 1 visit according to the specific unit “Operation and Maintenance Manual” – “Annual Preventive Maintenance” 1 visit according to the specific unit “Operation and Maintenance Manual” – “Semi-Annual preventive maintenance”. Quarterly Maintenance Service. 4 visits per year with the following specifications: 1 visit according to the specific unit “Operation and Maintenance Manual” – “Annual Preventive Maintenance” 1 visit according to the specific unit “Operation and Maintenance Manual” – “Semi-Annual preventive maintenance” 2 visits according to the specific unit “Operation and Maintenance Manual” – “Quarterly preventive maintenance”. Monthly Maintenance Service .12 visits per year with the following specifications: 1 visit according to the specific unit “Operation and Maintenance Manual” – “Annual Preventive Maintenance” 1 visit according to the specific unit “Operation and Maintenance Manual” – “Semi-Annual preventive maintenance” 2 visits according to the specific unit “Operation and Maintenance Manual” – “Quarterly preventive maintenance” 6 visits according to the specific unit “Operation and Maintenance Manual” – “Monthly preventive maintenance”
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