Wiring a ATS480 for 3-wire control
Product Line:
Customer desires to wire in a momentary stop and start push button
Wire a normally closed stop pushbutton between the +24 and STOP terminals.
Wire a normally open start pushbutton between the +24 and RUN terminals.
When the soft start is part of an enclosed package or MCC package, then you need to look at the control wiring, for other wiring options.
3-wire control
The run and stop are controlled by 2 different logic inputs.
A stop is obtained by opening (state 0) the STOP input.
The pulse on the RUN input is set until the stop input opens.
On power-up or a manual fault reset or after a stop command, the motor can only be powered once the RUN
input has been opened (state 0) followed by a new pulse (state 1)
Also check with the customer in some cases they will wire the NC stop and NO Start in series with a relay coil and use a contact on the relay to latch the NO start to seal in the circuit.
They would then need to run the +24vdc through one of the no dry contacts on the seal relay, to close +24vdc and run-stop on the soft starter. If they use this type of external 3 wire
control then they will need to wire the soft starter as 2 wire control by jumpering the run/stop together and switching 24vdc to run stop.
Released for:Schneider Electric Nigeria