EcoStruxure™ ArcFM Designer Express
An alternative for engineers who don’t want to be slowed down by too much information An alternative for engineers who don’t want to be slowed down by too much information! Draw quickly and enhance a sketch with GIS information, materials, and labor costs in a streamlined, less-detailed fashion that lets you add the details later.View Details EcoStruxure™ ArcFM Responder
A Smarter way to deal with outages Detect, locate and fix outages faster based on input from your call center, field crews, AMI and SCADA systems. EcoStruxure™ ArcFM Responder relies on existing asset and map data (including recent changes) to give you an up-to-the-minute, comprehensive picture of your outage issues.Part of EcoStruxureView Details EcoStruxure™ ArcFM Fiber Manager
Fiber optic network management software EcoStruxure™ ArcFM Fiber Manager delivers your fiber optic network information in a seamless data fabric for mapping, planning, designing and managing. Get an accurate inventory of underground structure networks, their capacity and utilization, along with robust productivity tools for managing your assets.Part of EcoStruxureView Details EcoStruxure™ ArcFM Conduit Manager
Underground facility management tool An integrated set of tools for documenting, planning, designing, analyzing, and maintaining the underground conduit system of a utility network. Once the underground system is built, users can leverage the tracing queries to determine duct availability based on various criteria.Part of EcoStruxureView Details ArcFM™ Viewer with Redliner Extension
Efficiently integrate field-sourced redlining and sketching Streamlines enterprise integration of field-sourced redlining and sketchingView Details ArcFM™ Viewer
Enterprise query and display tool Makes facility and asset database information available, efficiently, to users across the utilityView Details Network Adapter
Integrated analysis solution Supports fast analysis, engineering decisions, IT efficiencyView Details Responder Mobile
Get information to the field, and from the field, during outages Get outage information to the people who need it most: your field crews.View Details ArcFM™ Viewer with Inspector Extension
Keep representations of your network assets precise and up-to-date -View Details