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Is NetShelter SX shock packaging available for sale? Can an SX cabinet be converted into an SX Shock Packaging (SP) cabinet?
A customer wishes to purchase part or all of the SP components.

Product Line:
NetShelter SX Shock Packaging Cabinets

All versions and serial ranges.

A customer wants to convert an SX cabinet into an SX Shock Packaging cabinet.


Pre-existing NetShelter SX cabinets cannot be converted in the field into SP cabinets. Adding the packaging and pallet does not convert an SX cabinet into an SP cabinet.
The NetShelter SX SP (Shock Packaging) cabinets are different from the standard SX cabinets.
Only NetShelter SX SP (Shock Packaging) cabinets are tested and rated for shipping with equipment installed, to the rated load limit.
The pallet and packaging for NetShelter SX Shock Packaging (SP) cabinets are unavailable as Spare Parts.

Schneider Electric Peru

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