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Power Monitoring Expert - Power Quality Report is missing *Exceeds Tolerance indicator
The power quality report no longer indicates which events have exceeded tolerance and no longer tags them with "*Exceeds Tolerance"

Product Line
Power Monitoring Expert (PME) 8.2
Power Monitoring Expert (PME) 9.0

This indicator was removed in PME8.2 due to a UX decision.

This has only been tested on a PME9.0 system.  It has not been tested on PME 8.2.

1) Navigate to the folder \Power Monitoring Expert\web\ReportDepot\ION Reports\ION Report Packs\StandardPowerQualityReports\
2) Create backup copy of the "Power Quality Report.rdlc".
3) Overwrite the "Power Quality Report.rdlc" with the new "Power Quality Report.rdlc" attached to this KB

This new rdlc has been modified to show "*Exceeds Tolerance".  This text has been hardcoded in English and will not translate into other languages.

Schneider Electric Portugal

Hotfix_100454_ExceedsTolerancePQReport.zip [15.06 KB]
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