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Podoba osebe STBNIC2212 EtherNet/IP Network Interface, Applications Guide

STBNIC2212 EtherNet/IP Network Interface, Applications Guide

This book describes the Advantys STB EtherNet/IP network interface module (NIM), STB NIC 2212, an ODVA-compliant adapter that allows an Advantys STB island to communicate with an EtherNet/IP fieldbus network. The NIM represents the Advantys STB island as a single node on an EtherNet/IP industrial network. This guide includes the following information about the STB NIC 2212: - role in an EtherNet/IP network - role as the network adapter for the Advantys STB island - external and internal interfaces - Flash memory and removable memory - integrated power supply - auto-configuration - saving configuration data - island bus scanner functionality - data exchange - diagnostic messages - specifications

Datum: 01 okt. 2019 | Tip: Uporabniški priročnik
jeziki: Angleško | verzija: 04
Referenca dokumenta: 31008204K01000


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