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Podoba osebe ControlExpert_V141_HF_Integrity_Check


Description of behavior (before installation of ControlExpert_V141_HF_Integrity_Check) When Integrity check detects an error, a warning message is displayed. And Control Expert can be started. New behavior after installation of ControlExpert_V141_HF_Integrity_Check When Integrity check detects an error: 1. Control Expert displays a message: “Integrity check failure. Application will terminate”. 2. Control Expert provides to the user the possibility to save the current application in a .stu file 3. Control Expert does not start

Datum: 17 mar. 2020 | Tip: Programska oprema
jeziki: Angleško | verzija: 00
Operacijski sistemi: Windows 10
Referenca dokumenta: CE_V141_HF_Integrity_Check


Ime datoteke
ControlExpert_V141_HF_Integrity_Check _Readme.mht

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