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Energy Server Com'X 200 ( EBX 200 ) will not respond to ping

The Com'X 200 ( EBX 200 ) will not respond to pings from the Windows command prompt.

Product Line:
Com'X 200
EBX 200

Prior to firmware v2.0.5:
Com'X 200 does not recognize Windows pinging method, however the Com'X 200 will respond to a UDP request.

Firmware v2.0.5:
'Reply to ping' is disabled.

Prior to firmware v2.0.5:
Open the Com'X 200 login page in a browser by entering the default or assigned IP address into the address bar of a browser. Although the Com'X 200 will not respond to ping, the login page and subsequent pages are still accessible through a browser.
Alternatively, you may download an IP Scanner that has UDP packet capability to confirm connection.

Firmware v2.0.5:
To enable the 'Reply to ping', first open the Com'X 200 login page in a browser by entering the default or assigned IP address into the address bar of a browser and login.
  1. Click the Settings tab
  2. Expand the General Settings
  3. Select Network Settings
  4. Click Yes next to 'Reply to ping'

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