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After a side by side upgrade from ION/SPM to PME generating a report yields “The requested report contains more data than the system can display."
After a side by side upgrade from ION/SPM to PME generating a report yields “The requested report contains more data than the system can display. You can reduce the amount of data to display by: reducing the number of Sources, reducing the number of Measurements or narrowing the Date Range. Please adjust the inputs and rerun the report.”

Product Line:
Power Monitoring Expert 7.2.x
Power Monitoring Expert 8.x

Power Monitoring Expert Side-by-Side Upgrade
Power Monitoring Expert Software Configuration


There is a maxNumberofRecords threshold that is set in the ION_Network database in PME after switching from using SQL Server Reporting Services to Local Mode Reporting. The number is set by default to 250000 and any reports attempting to retrieve more than this number of records will generate an error.

*Warning: Irreparable database damage can occur. This procedure should only be performed by users familiar with SQL Server Management Studio. Databases should be backed up prior to performing this procedure.*​

This number can safely be increased to up to 500000 without causing issues to the report. In SQL Server Management Studio, expand the ION_Network database. Under Views, right click dbo.vCFG_ConfigItems and click on Edit Top 200 Rows.

Search for MaxNumberofRecords under Item and change it’s corresponding value field to the right to 500000 (by default it is set to 250000):

If this number needs to be increased further, please run the report and ensure you don't get an out of memory error in the report. The switch to local mode reporting from Struxureware Power Monitoring and ION Enterprise allowed us to abandon SQL Reporting Services, but it limited the memory available for each report.

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