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How do I verify the checksum of a file?
Using Microsoft PowerShell to verify the checksum of a file

Any Downloaded Files that need Checksum Verification (Firmware/Software)

A file can corrupt or be incomplete in many ways that can cause it to be "corrupt" and not match the full contents of the original file.


Verify the checksum of a file before using it to do firmware or software upgrades.

1) Open Windows PowerShell.  In Windows 10, right-click on the start menu and select Open Windows PowerShell.
NOTE: Older versions of Windows may not come pre-installed with Microsoft PowerShell, but it can be downloaded from Microsoft's website and then ran from the start menu entry.

2) Navigate to the directory that contains your file, which is most likely the Downloads folder.  This can be done using the Set-Location command:  Set-Location C:\Users\<Username>\Downloads

3) Run the Get-FileHash command:
Get-FileHash -path filename.txt -Algorithm XXX
To get a list of parameter values for Algorithm, you can use Get-Help Get-FileHash
MD5 Example:  Get-FileHash -path filename.txt -Algorithm MD5
SHA1 Example: Get-FileHash -path filename.txt -Algorithm SHA1
SHA256 Example: Get-FileHash -path filename.txt -Algorithm SHA256

4) Verify the results with the expected values from the download page or documenation.  If the checksums match, the file has not been corrupted.

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