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VIDEO: Testing Citect Credentials Fail for Application Services Host
A users credentials fail to authenticate in Application Configuration Utility > Application Services Host:

Citect connection unavailable.
Note: Citect runtime must be running to perform this test

Note: Citect Runtime is already running.

Product Line
PowerSCADA Expert 8.1, 8.2, 9.0 (PSE 8.x, 9.x)

Application Configuration Utility

A successful connection by the Schneider Electric ApplicationServiceHost service requires a user already defined in the PowerSCADA project, server IP address and a parameter in the INI file.  However, testing citect credentials will not work if it's running as a service. In this resolution, the INI parameter is missing.

1.  In Citect INI file, set [ctAPI] Remote = 1.

2.  Shutdown and restart the Runtime (project).

3.  Now the test will succeed:

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