Schneider Electric understands corporate and ethical business responsibilities include investing in the communities it serves to enhance their economic, environmental, and social well-being. Just as Schneider Electric’s operations strive to contribute to the quality of life in its host communities, our company long-term success depends on community support for its operations, products and services.
Your interest in becoming part of the Schneider Electric supply chain starts here. The recommended approach for your initial contact is the completion of our Supplier Registration. Once we receive your registration describing your company and products or services in non-confidential terms, your company profile will then be forwarded to the appropriate Schneider Electric Purchasing commodity manager.
Completing the Supplier Registration followed by pre-arranged appointments with the appropriate buying personnel are strongly recommended prior to any visit in order to ensure the best use of both your time and ours. "Cold Calling" is not productive for your sales executives or Schneider Electric's purchasing professionals. Schneider Electric makes supplier selection decisions using a commodity management strategy.
Commodity teams and Specialized Purchasing teams have been established for the purpose of defining commodity strategies and developing the appropriate relationship between Schneider Electric and our suppliers. Each entity is responsible for making recommendations that are in the best interest of Schneider Electric, while addressing the unique requirements of each location. The commodity leadership assumes a lead role in this effort and works with other cross functional team members to ensure these objectives are met.
Schneider Electric’s supplier management process is designed to meet our business needs by providing opportunities to suppliers who are easily identified using our Supply Chain database. By completing the brief Supplier Profile, we can evaluate if an immediate opportunity exists, or if it is in the best interest of both companies to invest the time required to investigate opportunities for the future. Within ten working days of your submittal, you will receive a response from our Supplier Resource Center. We are unable to review incomplete profiles.
Schneider Electric appreciates your interests and welcomes the opportunity to suppliers and customers to partner with us as we continue our journey!

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