The EM4800 remote display is supported only on some EM4800 meters. The remote display will operate together with EM4800 meters that have a part number in the following format: METxxEM48xxxx. The remote display is not supported with meters that have E48xxxxSQD format. The reason for this is that the METxxEM48xxxx meters include the remote display port, that is required for operation.
The remote display used a 92 x 92 mm cutout. The part numbers for the remote display are:
METSQEM48RD - EM4800 remote display, includes communications cable, Square D branded
METSEEM48RD - EM4800 remote display, includes communications cable, Schneider Electric branded
The remote display provides all of the measurements that customers can read using the onboard display.
Sample picture only, showing form factor. Screen shown may not be available on for EM4800 meters.
Legacy KB System (APS) Data: RESL205819 V1.0, Originally authored by DaMi on 07/23/2011, Last Edited by DaMi on 07/23/2011
Related ranges: EM4800
Released for:Schneider Electric United Arab Emirates