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Schneider Electric Gulf Countries and Pakistan Website

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Why am I unable to discover the Enerlin'X devices within my smartpanel with the Masterpact MTZ connected after performing the Automatic Trip Curve Test using Ecoreach?
Issue: Unable to discover the Enerlin'X devices like the IO, IFE etc after running the Automatic Trip Curve test using Ecoreach.
Cause:   The Automatic Trip Curve Test from Ecoreach was aborted in between and the Masterpact MTZ Control Unit (micrologic X) is still in Test Mode.
Resolution:  1) Bring the Micrologic X out of the Test Mode, this can be achieved by removing the USB cable connected between the Micrologic X and computer with Ecoreach installed and reconnecting. Now, the Enerlin'X devices will be discovered by Ecoreach.
2) Wait for 15 minutes, the Micrologic X will be automatically out of test mode.

Schneider Electric United Arab Emirates

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