Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp): The peak value of an impulse voltage of prescribed form and polarity which the equipment is capable of withstanding without failure under specified conditions of test and to which the values of the clearances are referred. The rated impulse withstand voltage of an equipment shall be equal to or higher than the values stated for the transient overvoltages occurring in the circuit in which the equipment is fitted".
Rated insulation voltage (Ui) "The rated insulation voltage of an equipment is the value of voltage to which dielectric tests and creepage distances are referred. In no case shall the maximum value of the rated operational voltage exceed that of the rated insulation voltage".
Rated insulation voltage (Ui) "The rated insulation voltage of an equipment is the value of voltage to which dielectric tests and creepage distances are referred. In no case shall the maximum value of the rated operational voltage exceed that of the rated insulation voltage".
Released for:Schneider Electric United Arab Emirates