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Obrázek A Framework for Assessing a Single-Phase UPS’s Environmental Sustainability

A Framework for Assessing a Single-Phase UPS’s Environmental Sustainability

As more companies seek to improve the overall environmental footprint of their IT estate, it becomes more important to understand how to evaluate and compare the sustainability of a single-phase UPS, which may comprise a good portion of that IT environment. Using the APC Smart-UPS™ Modular Ultra, the most sustainable UPS of its kind as an example, this e-guide introduces 5 different performance categories by which organizations can review and compare seemingly similar products using environmental product disclosures (EPDs). It then provides a total cost of ownership (TCO) analysis to demonstrate how a sustainable UPS can also deliver cost savings.

Datum: 01 Čer 2023 | Typ: Příručka
Jazyk: English | Verze: 1.0
Reference dokumentu:: Smart_UPS_Ultra_Modular_eGuide


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