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Obrázek 9 Power System Risks that Threaten Business Operations

9 Power System Risks that Threaten Business Operations

Modern facility managers operate and maintain complex electrical distribution systems that represent the lifeblood of their site’s operations. There is constant pressure to maintain operations in a safe, reliable, efficient, and sustainable manner. Unfortunately, the health of the site electrical system and the risks to its stability are often overlooked or are unknown. While electrical distribution equipment is typically reliable with long lifespans, unexpected and sudden failures can occur. This white paper describes nine commonly overlooked risks to electrical system availability and provides high-level guidance on how to reduce or mitigate these risks. White Paper by Jean-Pierre Morand

Datum: 20 Bře 2023 | Typ: Technická příručka
Jazyk: English | Verze: 1.0
Reference dokumentu:: WP511_EN


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