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Advantage Plus Plan for UPS and/or PDUs

Schneider Electric Services provides remedial repairs as well as one scheduled preventive maintenance service visit during the agreement year. 1.1Annual Preventive Maintenance Visit Included as part of the Advantage Plus plan for UPS and/or PDUs, the annual preventive maintenance visit provides a comprehensive visual, environmental and electronic inspection of the system to help ensure that components are performing to defined technical and environmental specifications. This part of the service includes all labor and travel expenses with an available 24/7 upgrade option. 1.2On-site Remedial Services Schneider Electric Services will dispatch qualified personnel to provide repairs in the event of a problem. On-site labor and travel will be charged at current Schneider Electric Services rates. The Customer will also benefit from priority access to the Schneider Electric supply chain at a preferential rate.

التاريخ: 22 ديسمبر 2023 | النوع: بيان العمل
اللغات: الإنجليزية | الإصدار: 2.1
مرجع المستند: SPD_ARUO-ACQK4F_EN


اسم الملف
_ARUO-ACQK4F--Advantage Plus Plan UPS&PDU.pdf

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