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Advantage Base Plan for Cooling Units

Advantage Base Plan for Cooling Units provides qualified Schneider Electric Services personnel to conduct remedial repairs in the unlikely event of a problem. This service includes technical support as well as all parts and labor expenses, with a next-business-day response time. 1.1On-site Remedial Services The service covers on-site remedial repair visits as required. The Schneider Electric service standard service response offering is a next-business-day. After evaluation upon situation review, Schneider Electric Services will dispatch qualified personnel to the Customer’s location to arrive next business day. This service offering includes parts and labor. Preventive Maintenance visits are available as upgrade options.

التاريخ: 22 يونيو 2021 | النوع: بيان العمل
اللغات: الإنجليزية | الإصدار: 1.0
مرجع المستند: ARUO-BDCNVT


اسم الملف
_ARUO-BDCNVT--Advantage Base Plan for Cooling Units.pdf

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