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In-depth Cleaning Service

The In-depth Cleaning Service provides a complete detailed cleaning of all sub-assemblies and components of the UPS system to help ensure the system is contaminant-free and performing to defined technical and environmental specifications. Accumulation of dust, carbon particles and other particulates can cause a variety of problems including but not limited to excessive component overheating, arcing or intermittent electro-mechanical contactor operation. This service will help reduce the risk of problems due to environmental contaminants and includes labor and travel expenses with standard scheduling during normal business hours and an available 24/7 scheduling upgrade option, including weekends and holidays. Parts and replacement batteries are not included as part of this service contract.This In-depth Cleaning Service is available as a stand-alone visit or in conjunction with any service agreement from Schneider Electric Secure Power Services. Multiple In-depth cleaning visits can be purchased in a year for the same system. Please contact your qualified Schneider Electric Services sales representative for more details.

التاريخ: 21 أكتوبر 2021 | النوع: بيان العمل
اللغات: الإنجليزية | الإصدار: 2.0
مرجع المستند: SPD_RLOD-8ADR8D_EN


اسم الملف
_RLOD-8ADR8D--In-depth Cleaning Service.pdf

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