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A Framework for Developing and Evaluating Data Center Maintenance Programs

Inadequate maintenance and risk mitigation processes can quickly undermine a facility’s design intent. It is, therefore, crucial to understand how to properly structure and implement an operations and maintenance (O&M) ) program to achieve the expected level of performance. This paper defines a framework, known as the Tiered Infrastructure Maintenance Standard (TIMS), for aligning an existing or proposed maintenance program with a facility’s operational and performance requirements. This framework helps make the program easier to understand, communicate, and implement throughout the organization

التاريخ: 22 يناير 2014 | النوع: المستند التقني
اللغات: الإنجليزية | الإصدار: V0
مرجع المستند: SPD_VAVR-8S5KPY_EN


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