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هل لديك أسئلة أو هل تحتاج إلى المساعدة؟ نحن هنا لمساعدتك!

1. How do I start my home renovation?

Home renovation can be a tedious and exhausting process. Schneider Electric is here to make your home renovation journey exciting and innovative by introducing smart home renovation ideas. We recommend that you commence your home renovation by circling down all the areas where you will need home renovation help from professionals.   Once you are clear with your vision, our experts will help you purchase the right products that suit well with your needs. Schneider Electric helps you make your home sustainable and future-ready with inspiring home renovation tips and robust automation solutions. In addition, we also help you choose the best designs for your home, explore different home renovation options, and ensure that a flawless installation process safeguards your house.

2. What are the important tips for smart home renovation?

Smart home renovation is the way of the future. At Schneider Electric, we understand the need to make your living space secure, comfortable, and sustainable. Our team of expert professionals who have expertise in digital solutions offers some practical and excellent home renovation tips to keep in mind before renovating your home into a smart one. It is good to install smart thermostats, reliable quality switchboards, motion sensors and explore smart security options while planning your renovation for a smart home. All these measures will safeguard your family and assets, protecting them from every possible hazardous threat that might arise in the future.

3. How does Schneider Electric help in home renovations?

Schneider Electric aims to provide robust home automation solutions and services that improve life at home. We also offer various home renovation services and tips that make your home safe, smart, comfortable, and energy-efficient. We are here to consistently support you through every step of your home renovation journey, including construction, designing, renovating, and implementing your dream renovation project. Discover Schneider Electric Wiser Smart Home automation system. It offers affordable and convenient smart home automation solutions like safe electrical switchboards, designer sockets, inverters, stabilizers, and more.