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How to migrate the databases to a new server for a Power Monitoring Expert distributed system
The customer would like a procedure for migrating their PME databases to a new server.

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Power Monitoring Expert 9
Power Monitoring Expert 9.1
Power Monitoring Expert 10
Power Monitoring Expert 11
Power Monitoring Expert 12

Database Migration


*Warning: Take backups of any files prior to modifying them. Ensure the backups are in a location that will not be overwritten (i.e. the Desktop).
*Warning: This article contains information about editing the registry. Improper changes to the registry can permanently damage the operating system. Always back up the registry before making any changes.*

On the old database server
  1. Backup the 4 PME databases: ApplicationModules, ION_Data, ION_Network, ION_SystemLog
  2. Export the report subscriptions:
    1. In SQL Management Studio click View -> Object Explorer Details.
    2. Select the Jobs folder under SQL Server Agent. The contents should appear in the Object Explorer.
    3. Select all the rows with Globally Unique Identifiers for names, such as 7e58be83-8b5b-4423-955c-7954fa69c2c7.
    4. Right-click and choose Script Job As Create to File.
  3. Copy both the database backups and the exported SQL agent jobs script to the new database server.

On the new database server
  1. Restore the databases
  2. Import the report subscriptions by running the script generated in Step 2.

On the Application Server
  1. Stop the following services
    1. * These services are only present in the Data Center edition of PME.
      ~ These services are only available in the 2023 version of PME
  • ION Alert Monitor
  • ION Application Modules Alarm Services Host
  • ION ApplicationModules CoreServicesHost
  • ION ApplicationModules CoreServicesHost (x64 bit)~
  • ION ApplicationModules DataServicesHost
  • ION ApplicationModules DataServicesHost (x64 bit)~
  • ION ApplicationModules ProviderEngineHost
  • ION ApplicationModules ProviderEngineHost (x64 bit)
  • ION Alert Monitor
  • ION Component Identifier Service
  • ION Connection Management Service
  • ION Diagnostics and Usage Service
  • ION Event Watcher Service
  • ION Log Inserter Service
  • ION Managed Circuit Service
  • ION Network Router Service
  • ION OPC Data Access Server
  • ION PQDIF Exporter Service
  • ION Query Service
  • ION Real Time Data Service
  • ION Report Subscription Service
  • ION Site Service
  • ION Software Alarm Service
  • ION Software Modbus Gateway Service
  • ION Virtual Processor Service
  • ION Virtual Processor Service – DEFAULT
  • ION Virtual Processor Service – DDD
  • ION Virtual Processor Service – NVIP.PQADVISOR
  • ION Virtual Processor Service –NVIP.Data_Center*
  • ION Virtual Processor Service –NVIP.Data_Center_Alarming*
  • ION XML Subscription Service
  • ION XML Subscription Store Service
  • World Wide Web Publishing Service
  1. Delete logserver and query server files located here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Schneider Electric\Power Monitoring Expert\config\cfg\logsrv\LOGINSERTER.<MACHINENAME>
C:\Program Files (x86)\Schneider Electric\Power Monitoring Expert\config\cfg\logsrv\QUERYSERVER.<MACHINENAME>
  1. Update the InstallInfo.xml
    1. Open the InstallInfo.xml file using a text editor. InstallInfo.xml is located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Schneider Electric\Power Monitoring Expert\Uninst_PowerMonitoringExpert.
    2. Look for instances of the old database server name and change it to the new name. There are two of them, globalEEMDBName and globalEEMDbServer.
For example,
globalEEMDBName="OLDSERVER" becomes globalEEMDBName="NEWSERVER"
globalEEMDbServer="OLDSERVER\ION" becomes globalEEMDbServer="NEWSERVER\ION"
  1. Update the Registry
    1. Open regedit and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Schneider Electric\Power Monitoring Expert\8.2\Databases.
    2. Update the Data for the following keys to reflect the new server name: IONServer, NOMServer, SYSLOGServer
  1. Run a Reconfigure
    1. Open Windows Programs and Features.
    2. Right-click on Power Monitoring Expert.
    3. Select Change.
    4. Select the Reconfigure option.
    5. When the database software page loads it should be indicating it will run against the new SQL Server.

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