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ION Enterprise Updater for ION7650 V370 Ce document est à jour mais peut faire référence à des produits obsolètes.

Use the attached .msi installation file to upgrade ION Enterprise V6.0 (supports V5.6 SP2 and higher systems) to add support for the ION7650/ION7550 devices that have the features associated with the latest version of the firmware and application logic (i.e. framework or device template). Please note that this updater executable should be applied to all machines in your ION Enterprise network, including all primary, secondary and client machines, for the upgrades to be completely effective. BACKGROUND INFORMATION:What is the Updater program? When versions of ION Enterprise are released, they support meters only up to the date of release. In order for our software to correctly recognize new firmware versions on the meters, the Updater program was created. These files are designed to install the components necessary (Vista diagrams etc.) to support the new firmware releases for ION meters. Key Words and Phrases: Device Support in ION Enterprise

Date: 21 juin 2012 | Type: Logiciels
Langues: Anglais | Version: v370
Référence du document: IONE6_Updater-ION7650V370


Nom du fichier
ION 7650 V370_Installer.msi

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