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What is the maximum cable distance from an ATV312 drive to the motor?

Article available in these languages: Spanyol

Max. cable distance from an ATV312 to the motor

Product line:
ATV312, Altivar 312, ATV320, Altivar 320

All models


The ATV312 shows that an output filter or choke is required for any cable distance between the drive and motor exceeding 164 feet (50 meters).  Above 164 feet, there is a change with shielded vs non-shielded.

Shielded cables
From 164 feet to 330 feet (100 meters) you can use the LR filter cell or a motor choke.

Unshielded cables
From 164 feet to 660 feet (200 meters) you can use the LR filter cell or a motor choke.

Schneider Electric Indonesia

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Altivar 312
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Altivar 312