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FAQ Pencarian
How to configure the Harmony Edge Box HMISTM6BOXIOT to send data in EcoStruxure Machine Advisor?
The goal of this FAQ is to share some complementary documentation and demo project to connect HMISTM6BOXIOT to EcoStruxure Machine Advisor.

This article, demo and manual are applicable for HMISTM6BOXIOT with EcoStruxure Machine SCADA Expert 2020 SP2 (minimum).

The demo project: https://schneiderelectric.sharepoint.com/:u:/s/BoxSupportL3Group/EeorJ7PAyNZImyWWAduyT1ABRyJhDFAhTgRuD6eB5yGdmg?e=mkNXdb
The Demo Setup Guide: https://schneiderelectric.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/BoxSupportL3Group/EaCZ8tHKV_lIhxPCtE_i80UBYTuTbgQxqX0ne_1sMWd6VA?e=UUlIu4

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