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Zelio Logic - How to measure a temperature with a PT100 connected to the SR3XT43BD extension module?

Article available in these languages: Yunani

First, from the Analog extension configuration screen, select PT100 for the Input IJ:

Program configuration

Then, a GAIN function block is needed to apply the following formula :

T° = (( IJ x 150 ) / 1023) - 25

because the scale is:

-25°C => IJ=0
+125°C => IJ=1023

In consequence, the GAIN function has to be configured like below:


In Monitoring, we can see the read temperature is 24°C when the input value is 337:



  • 1rst red wire connected to IJ
  • 2nd red wire connected to Pt
  • White wire connected to 0v


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