Gamă produse
Carduri şi opţiuni suplimentare de management
Expandoare de interfaţă şi alte opţiuni pentru îmbunătăţirea funcţionalităţii de monitorizare şi control al UPS-ului Multiple options to manage and support your APC UPS.Vizualizare produse Easy UPS 1Ph Management Accessory Cards & Management
Network management card that remotely monitors and controls Schneider Electric Easy UPS.UPS management accessory that provides contact closures for remote monitoring Schneider Electric network management card provides direct communications with your Easy UPS. SNMP card gives you the ability to manage the UPS performance, monitor multiple UPS, solve network problems and expand network connection.UPS management accessory that provides two dry contact input and one relay output interface to a Schneider Electric Easy UPS SRV series UPS.Parte din Easy SeriesVizualizare detalii