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Podoba osebe ION7650 V400 Firmware

ION7650 V400 Firmware Ta dokument je posodobljen, vendar se lahko nanaša na zastarele izdelke.

V400 is a general firmware release that adds support for new metering hardware. In addition this firmware release reduces the 7x50e and 7x50s variants into one allowing for IEC61850 and 10Meg of logging memory to occur upon the same device. V400 adds compatibility for the -05 hardware revision option. This can be found as the last two digits of a meters serial number. V400 will NOT be compatible with previous versions of hardware ( -04 or earlier). In addition previous firmware revisions (pre V400) will not be compatible with the -05 hardware. We have consolidated the e (IEC61850) and s (standard) variants into one release. This means ALL devices ordered with V400 will now contain IEC61850 functionality as well as contain the 10M logging memory. Both features can be implemented in frameworks simultaneously. NOTE: To support the new features in v400, download the latest version of ION Setup from the website.

Datum: 26 feb. 2015 | Tip: Firmware (Vgrajena programska oprema)
jeziki: Angleško | verzija: V400
Referenca dokumenta: ION7650_V400_Firmware


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