PowerLogic™ P3 Protection Relays
Compact protective relays for standard MV applications Easy-to-use protective relays for Medium Voltage applications with fast delivery, ideal for Panel builders, Contractors and Partners to save time. From overcurrent to advanced protection, with Arc detection and Ethernet communication including IEC 61850Part of PowerLogic™View Products Launch Product Selector MiCOM P521
Feeder Differential Protection Relays MiCOM P521 provides high speed, two ended current differential unit protection of overhead lines and underground cables in applications such as ring mains and parallel feeders. Models available: MiCOM P521Part of PowerLogic™View details Easergy MiCOM P532
Line Differential Protection and Bay Control Device Easergy MiCOM P532 provides a two-ended line differential protection function with all of the necessary protection communication interfaces.Part of PowerLogic™View details Easergy MiCOM P54x
Line Differential Protection Relays Easergy MiCOM P54x is designed for high performance overhead line and cable applications, it interfaces readily with the longitudinal (end to end) communications channels and has optional distance backup protection. Models available: MiCOM P541, MiCOM P542, MiCOM P543, MiCOM P544, MiCOM P545, MiCOM P546Part of PowerLogic™View details