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Commissioning problems with Berger Lahr N065 / IclA N065 IXXAT USB-CAN compact interface running with the BLCT IclA software.

Goals and Symptoms

Commissioning problems with Berger Lahr N065 / IclA N065

IXXAT USB-CAN compact interface running with the BLCT IclA software.

Causes and Fixes


To communicate with a IclA D065 drive use the Ixxat driver version 2.16xxx !!!
The BLCT for N065 supports only the IXXAT VCI V2 driver.

( VCI Driver from IXXAT has to be installed )

Schneider Electric Belgium

Pièce(s) jointe(s)
Changing_Driver_version_for_IXXAT_USB_TO_CAN_from_VCI_V3_back_to_VCI_V2.zip [338.11 KB]
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