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3710 ACM / Allen-Bradley Serial Communications Protocol
3710 ACM - Allen Bradley - Details required about the serial communications protocol used to pass commands, information and data between the model 3710 ACM Power Meter and the Allen-Bradley line of programmable logic controllers (PLC) and communication interface PRODUCTS.

Product Line
ACM 3710

Allen-Bradley Serial Communications Protocol used to interface with a 3710 ACM that is fitted with a PLC/AB communications card.

The following documents provide the information necessary for a 3rd party OEM to develop in-house software to communicate with the model 3710 ACM Power Meter. The purpose of the communications protocol is to allow information and data to be efficiently transferred between an Allen-Bradley PLC and a 3710 ACM Power Meter.

Additional information concerning 3710 ACM Power Meter operations is found in the 3710 ACM Installation and Operation Manual. Information concerning Allen-Bradley communication protocol is found in the Allen-Bradley Data Highway/Data Highway Plus Protocol and Command Set Reference Manual.

Schneider Electric Belgium

Pièce(s) jointe(s)
Allen-Bradley_Data_Highway_or_Data_Highway_Plus.pdf [726.6 KB]
Allen-Bradley_3710.pdf [259.13 KB]
AB_Integer_Ranging_3710.pdf [262.45 KB]
3710_Installation_and_Operation_Manual.pdf [1.8 MB]
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