Below the rated OPERATING temperature (-20ºC = -4º Fahrenheit), the correct operation of the meter cannot be guaranteed. Accuracy will suffer and depending on how low the temperature gets, different components may not function correctly. There arent specific temperature values for anything other than the LCDs, which operate to -25ºC.
Below the rated STORAGE temperature (-40ºC = -40º Fahrenheit), all components will be suspect and the meter may not work at all. Damage is possible to the display and other components.
If the temperature only dips below operating temperature occasionally, and for short periods, it should be fine. Continued operation at cold temperatures or cold startups may cause problems for the meter.
Last Revised: April 9, 2008
Applies To: ION 6200
Original Author: KG
All content © 1992-2008 Schneider Electric
Legacy KB System (APS) Data: RESL191647 V1.0, Originally authored by KBAdPM on 04/10/2008, Last Edited by KBAdPM on 04/10/2008
Related ranges: ION6200
Publié pour:Schneider Electric Belgium