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How can all 8 channels of a BMXART0814 module be used to read thermocouples without the ABE7CPA412 block for cold junction compensation?


Can the BMXART0814 module be used without the ABE7CPA412 and maintain use of all 8 channels for Thermocouple operation?

Product Line

Modicon M340, Modicon M580, X80 IO.


Yes. Using a 2-wire PT100 RTD wired to channel 4 on terminals EX+ and EX-. This will allow all 8 channels of the BMXART0814 to be used for thermocouple operation as configured and with a single  CJC from Channel 4. Channel 4 will have the 2-wire RTD on EX+ and EX- and the TC on MS+ and MS-.

Schneider Electric Belgium

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